Photographic Gifts and Prints From Our Galleries
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Prints & Gifts
A fine selection of quality photographic prints and gifts
1."Browse the galleries for your favorite photo and click the "BUY" link

2."On the order page that appears, click Photo Gifts in the option panel on the right

3."Use the menus and zoom tools to select and create the perfect photo gift!

T-shirts HanesĀ® Soft L'ink shirts are made of super-soft cotton on the inside and 100% micro-polyester on the outside, with cover-seamed shoulders, neck and arm holes for extra strength and durability. The sleeves and bottom hem are double-needle stitched, and shirts are pre-shrunk to minimize shrinkage. Photos are printed on the front of the shirt only. The print method is dye-sublimation using high-quality dyes.

The ceramic photo mugs are microwave-safe and are crafted to last for years. Although they are safe in most dishwashers, we recommend washing by hand, as some washers and detergents are more abrasive than others . The photo is applied by dye-sublimation using high-quality dyes.

Mouse pads are made of high-quality, rubber-backed polyester. They have long-lasting, non-skid rubber bottoms and washable white fabric tops. The fabric is imprinted by dye-sublimation using high-quality dyes. The pad measures 7.75" x 9.25" x .25".

Greeting Cards
Each pack contains 12 cards. Greeting cards are produced by high-end inkjet printing methods on card stock in either a horizontal or vertical layout. The finished folded size is 4.25" x 5.5". White envelopes are included.

Our puzzles are printed on high-gloss premium stock that's precision cut. The photo is printed by dye-sublimation using high-quality dyes. Both 30-piece and 110-piece puzzles measure 7.5"x9.5".

Our ceramic tiles are great accents for a bathroom or kitchen backsplash. Use hardcoat finish for a tabletop or trivet. Cleans easily with a soft cloth and non-abrasive cleanser. The photo is printed by dye-sublimation using high-quality dyes. Currently available in either 6x6-inch or 6x8-inch sizes.

Christmas Ornament
Our ball-shaped, porcelain ornament measures 2 1/2" in diameter and has a 1 1/2" flat circular area for the picture. It is decorated with a holiday images and greetings on the other three sides. A gold cap is included.

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